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  1. GTboys

    Box out Chimney

    Hello Gentlemen, I'm struggling with this as well. There are many components of what has already been discussed that I understand. 1) I understand that you need to create a "room" and have the ceiling height rise above the roof line 2) I understand how to modify the roof plane so that it goes around the 4 "walls" of the chimney 3) I understand how to reverse wall layers and how to use "lower wall type if split by a butted roof" Somehow I can't put it all together. I'm wondering if it has to do with how I'm drawing my walls initially? I've tried the following: 1) Had my main structure first, then tried to make the chimney "box" with three exterior walls abutted to the main structure (and adding "breaks" to the main wall) 2) Created a 4 wall structure away from the main structure and move it up next to the the house 3) Create a "hole" in the main structure and moved a 4 wall box into the hole. Nothing seems to be working. The odd thing is that I think I actually got it to work once. Not sure what I did.
  2. Thanks gentlemen. I will definitely use the Edit All Floors going forward. I also just figured out that a simple answer was under my nose: File>Print>Center Sheet
  3. Hi, I'm sure there is going to be an easy answer for this, but I can't seem to find the answer in any of the self help resources. Is there a way for me to center my 2 story building on the drawing sheet? I've read in some answers that you don't want to move an entire building? But how about moving the sheet underneath? (I tried moving the building with a select all, but it only moved the 1st floor and basement and left the 2nd floor where it was. Luckily, I could undo that bad move) Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi, I would like to create "rooms" (actually, areas) of different heights and connect them. My goal is that the roofline is also staggered in height. My problem is that the material on the wall that is shared between rooms does not appropriately change from interior (drywall) to exterior) siding above the roofline. I have created a simple example and am attaching images of the issue. In the example provided, the "exterior" wall is extended down into the room. I also tried changing the wall to an interior wall, but then I have a similar issue where the wall looks like an interior wall above the roofline. Any suggestions? Thank you in advance!!!