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Everything posted by bumblebeelyfe

  1. Did you ever get it straightened out? I upgraded to House Pro 2025 and when i tried to install (on my Mac) It thew out a myriad of errors - it was obviously having trouble. What I'd like to do is know how to 'uninstall' older versions from a MAC so I can start over.
  2. Were you able to figure this out? I thought you could click on the glass walls in vector view, and then use the mouse to drag down the height of the top edges. Let me know if this is not accurate.
  3. I did see the pattern of running bond tile 4-1, but i am not even sure how to create a backsplash on an existing wall. Not helpless, just overwhelmed! OK UPDATE found a great video on creating backsplashes. I'm getting there.
  4. I'm so confused! Trying to create my own tile material. This looks great. Can you recommend any particular resources that helped you learn this? I am watching a video by 'ChiefArchitect' but I think my version which is 'Home Designer' version is limited. Not sure I can do all the same things. Any direction is appreciated! I did attach a 'repeat' of the tile that I am looking at but it is a small kind of matchstick pattern. The individual tiles are 5" x 10". Not asking anyone to do the work for me - just turn me and give me a shove in the right direction. I am technically sound enough to do a rough floor plan but now I am trying to mock up the materials and I am so confused.
  5. Thank you both! I will give it a try! Looking at it with fresh eyes now.
  6. what would you like to see in my signature. I uploaded albeit poor image of the Architectural logo to show what version I am using. I have just purchased the latest version this morning of the level under 'Pro', which I think is just 'Architectural' so it is either 2017 or 2018 - whatever currently costs 199.00. I have technical skills so not completely lost. I hate to be short, but this is so frustrating to have what I perceive to be a simple functionality option to be held ransom. I don't want to general blue prints, I don't want to make money, I just want to visualize my kitchen based upon line drawings I have been given. My version will not allow me to create 6 shelves and space them the way I wish. It sounds like what you are saying is using soffits or slabs will allow me to simulate shelves. I do not think my version has the 'shelf tool' hence my rant. I will search the forum for instructions on using soffits and slabs - I did see a post about simulating vertical shelves within a base cabinet using this while I was browsing. I'm just so disappointed - I know it seems like a small thing.
  7. Looks like I need the 'Pro' version. I am a homeowner doing a renovation. Is there a work around?
  8. I checked the knowledge base area for help in creating a full size kitchen cabinet of shelves. At the very beginning of the document 'Modifying a Cabinets' Shelving' it says 'The information in this article applies to: 'Pro'' Does this mean if I am using Architectural version I cannot do this? I have figured out how to create a full size open front cabinet of shelves. I only want 6 shelves. Am I to infer that my version will not allow me to do this? I am so confused. Can someone help me do this?