Terrain - Part II / Measuring the property


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The project I'm planning is going to include some substantial re-grading and building of terraces around the house. The land is about 1.25 acres with a change in elevation of 24 feet over 350 ft, with substantially steeper slopes around the house. 


I have the hang of using the terrain points, lines, and regions for modifying the terrain - but because of the radical changes in elevation in parts of the property, it's becoming pretty clear that I need to get actual elevation measurements from the property. I could do this with a surveyors tape and transit, but that seems probably overly accurate and pretty time consuming. 


It seems like there are a lot of new instruments out there (like the Leica Disto series). 


Does anyone have a recommendation on new tools or software that can be used to collect elevation points for import into HomeDesigner Architecture?


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