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  1. trying to figure out how to make stairs that look like the attached photo (ignore my markups for switching). But it keeps wanting to do this (attached screenshot). I tried breaking the stairs so I could pull one part into the wall but not the rest, but the while i can see the break in the stairs, it all still moves as one block. Using HomeDesigner Pro 2024. Thanks!
  2. @Renerabbitt I am the designer so I will be working through cabinetry layouts and applying finishes to the model as they are selected. It is a complex house and redrawing it to be able to space plan and manipulate finishes seems like a lot of duplicative effort.
  3. I am working with an architect who has built a full house model in 3D in Sketchup. I would like to be able to manipulate it to work through the selections process with the homeowners. Unfortunately, while I can navigate the model in 3D, and can paint surfaces, I can't select any of the 'objects' in the file already (cabinets, furniture, etc.) Considered having the architect remove all that so I just had a blank shell, as I was able to place a test cabinet, but there is no floorplan to help place it and it is hard to move it around in the space without any way to snap it where I want it to go. Anyone had success with importing and manipulating in this way? Captured a video of my screen for easier comprehension but file size is way over maximum to share :/
  4. THANK YOU SO MUCH! This has been a frustration that I have used painful (and inaccurate) work arounds on in the past and this will make life so much easier.
  5. Found this article but appears to be outdated as I don't have the suggested functions that this is referencing (Using Different Door Styles on a Single Cabient | Reference Number: KB-00040) Currently operating Home Design Pro 2024 Have a cabinet that I need to have some doors glass and some doors solid on the same cabinet. Will only let me change style holistically across the doors on the cabinet. NOTE: In the past I have made some doors into drawers as a work around, so long as door and drawer style matched OR I only had doors and no drawers on the cabinet. This time I need to keep slab drawers so I can't make the doors that need to be solid show as drawers because they need to be framed. I tried making them door PANELS in hopes I could treat those differently than operable doors, but to no avail (per the attached). Thanks in advance for you suggestions and help!
  6. found a previous post you shared. reading through the comments, and someone indicated that the sequence of selecting mattered. I found that I had to redraw the wall again, re-break and then select in the order you indicated. Hope that might help the next person. Thanks!
  7. Hey Solver! I should I have added that I am using Home Designer Pro 2023. I searched the forum for this topic before posting and did find a suggestion for a 'follow stairs' option but I didn't think that was available in this version. Searched through the dialogue boxes and WAS able to find this option but it doesn't seem to be working for me? Thanks!!