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  1. Ok, here are three images that demonstrate the problem. The first image is just a full camera view of a default plan. In the second image, I have placed some wallpaper on the long wall with the cabinets. You will notice that the wall appears black. On the third picture, I have zoomed in and you can see the wallpaper, but only when you get close enough.
  2. I appreciate the direction from everyone, but I still haven't been able to troubleshoot the problem. I am running HD Suite 2017, and I have verified my system settings are sufficient. Here is an example of what I am seeing. Most of the materials I use show up as black unless I zoom in very close. Paint colors on walls show up fine, but if I put tile on a wall, it shows up black. When I place a door, the default color will show, but if I choose a different material, it shows black. This same thing happens when I am using 3D cameras inside the plan. It doesn't make sense that some materials appear fine and others black. Any ideas?
  3. Thanks, David. I've read those articles and I don't think they address my problem. Here is another example of what is happening. If I select the framing overview, all of the framing members appear black, even though I can clearly see the separate framing members. Then, if I zoom in really close, I can see the wood color they are supposed to be. I think it may have something to do with lighting, but I haven't been able to figure it out.
  4. All, Here is my problem: After creating a house plan, when I use the 3D rendering tool (whether it is full overview, dollhouse etc.) everything looks black unless I zoom in extremely close, then I can see the materials and colors. Same thing with landscaping. Any ideas about why this is happening and how I can fix it?