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  1. @mattman2000 not sure about Architectural 2024, I'm currently using Home Designer Pro 2024. Regarding turning off the underlying PDF file/image. Go to Display options (layers) look for layer "Picture/PDF Boxes", if you check/unchek the "Dis" box you can have it not show or show or completely remove it if you no longer need it. You started your project in the right order, tracing the walls from the PDF file. Once you're satisfied with first floor, proceed with creating foundation. Build>Floor> Build Foundation...derive foundation from first floor. This will make foundation walls and first floor walls align. The stairs are placed from basement to 1st floor. In your case you want to use the U-shaped stairs under the stair tools. When searching for tutorials, tips etc I always start with a Google search. Always include either Chief Architect or Home Designer and add any words you're trying to find.