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Posts posted by KarenC63

  1. Thanks for checking this out for me.  I tried to follow your thread but it took me to the top of this page each time I clicked on it.  I have been having trouble making a very simple Gable Roof so I will continue working on that and maybe I can add the Shed Roof in places. Otherwise I have my own personal drawings for the roofs to follow once we begin building. I still have 2 years until we build. This program is helping me to take my sketched floor plans into drawings that my builder can work with, and making sure my walls are going to bear the weight of the roof etc.  Thanks again.

  2. I have need of a custom roof . . . I want a basic Gable Roof over PART of the house and then a Shed Roof over the 4 exterior sides of the house and decks. I have no idea how to make this happen . . .  I am attaching an image of my design (my sketch) and also one elevation from the Program.   



  3. Alright!  I re-named the living area and got my floor back!  YAY!  And I after I did that, I was able to build my stairwell!!  YAY!!!  Ha ha ha this program may have a very steep learning curve for me, but if y'all will hang in there with me, I think I can do this!

  4. Gosh I am frustrated.  I have cloned my plan and using the 2nd version to master some of my new skills . . . BUT when I build my stairs, the 'stairwell' option does NOT show up when I use the right mouse . . . instead it says 'starter tread' . . . how do I get back?

  5. Here is the revised plan . . . not sure what you mean by 'broken wall' icon . . . and how do I 'reassign' the "room" . . . just one more question: when I was making the space for the stairs to be 6' 11", well, I wan't able to actually be exact in the dimension. Is there a way to be exact?


    Thank you so much!Drawing1.plan

  6. Thanks so much . . . both of you . . . I followed your instructions, including straightening the bath/closet wall, and now I have a beautiful staircase/stairwell but still no floor on level 1.  


    Sorry but I was not able to follow your lead in drawing a CAD line in the position you specified - maybe that has an impact?  And I am not sure how to specify the width/dimensions for the width of the stairwell.


    I am attaching 2 images


    Its great having the Stairs/Stairwell work so easily! Now I just need a floor on level 1 . . . is it possible that my walls are not connected somewhere? 


    So grateful . . . but still at a loss about the floor.post-669-0-01205300-1409927386_thumb.jpgpost-669-0-97427200-1409927386_thumb.jpg

  7. Well, I added the walls to the basement and then went to add my stairs and stairwell and it won't work. I am right back where I started. So I played around with building the landing first and it wouldn't work . . . out of desperation I tried building the stairs and the landing and it worked BUT now I cannot build a stairwell. In fact the Flooring of the first floor disappears when I try. So right now I have a staircase . . . but no stairwell.


    I have attached the 'error' message because I don't know what it is asking for.  Then I went and removed the railing from the landing and I had a lovely stairwell . . . but my floor disappeared.  hmmmm  


    Any thoughts?  Is it my computer?  Is the program or the file corrupted?  HELP . . . thanks.



  8. Just a thought . . . when I finished building the landing and went to add the upper stairs I was prompted to either use the break tool or make the width of the landing line up with the stairs. So I zoomed in really close and made them line up but I got the prompt to use the Break line.  So I guess that I was not able to line up the edges . . . ???  Any thoughts? 

  9. post-669-0-22232700-1409146084_thumb.jpgpost-669-0-91072600-1409146084_thumb.jpgThanks M. I so appreciate everyone's help. I am using Home Designer Suite 2015.  


    Lets see, I have tried building the stair sections first then the landing; then tried the bottom stairs + the landing then the second stairs; then the second stairs and the landing then adding the bottom.  


    Then I opened a new plan and tried building the landing first, with specified height, and then adding the stairs - this actually worked sort of - I got them to 'look' right (will have to adjust the riser etc) but then could not build a stairwell - the program wants me to BREAK and I have not been successful  with the Break function. Is there a trick to the Break?  I have selected the Landing and then the Break tool . . . the only thing that breaks is the nearest wall. ???


    I am attaching my latest attempt . . . new floor plan, and I started with the Landing and added the upper stairs . . . when I try to attach the lower stairs I am prompted to Break BUT I cannot seem to make that function work.




  10. Really frustrated now . . . I have read and re-read the Reference Manual, the User's Guide, the YouTube video. . . none of these are working for me.  Every time I attempt to add the landing it fails. When I add the first half of the U Stair and then the Landing and try to move the second half into place, and then use the Break, it fails . . . clicking isn't working, adding the landing last isn't working . . . well it just isn't working. 

  11. Thanks . . . I turned on the Angle Snaps.  Stairs are still not happening.  When I build the first half, then the second half of the U Stairs and then click in the landing section just as shown on the YouTube video . . .another stair is built.  So I am thinking my setup must be off somewhere else. Very frustrating.  Any other suggestions?

  12. Hey there. I am new to this program and have been enjoying the learning process immensely. However, I have not been able to make the stairs and stairwell that my design requires.  It is a split staircase - 8 stairs up, then a landing, then 8 stairs up. I have been able to build the lower set, but then the whole thing fails as I do my landing and then the upper steps. I have read and re-read the instructions over and over, then I watched the Video but I never saw the elusive move that I need to learn.  Can anyone help me with simple instructions? post-669-0-65421800-1409085279_thumb.jpg