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  1. stanmason, did you ever find the answer?
  2. Hey don't give up! I use Home Designer Pro 2021 professionally, I'm using it for a new house for a client! I am educated but not a registered architect, I have 35 years drawing plans in CA. The engineer always signed off on the structural liability, if there was no engineer required, the homeowner or builder could always sign. There was never a problem. I have a colleague I collaborate with occasionally when she has a design issue on a roof or something and I just export my plan from Pro (in her format) & it's in her computer drawing program to manipulate, saving her time & money!
  3. I am a mid level user & have upgraded to Home Designer Pro 2021- LOVE IT! I have a single story house w attached garage I am designing. It is on a steep lot & will have a walkout basement. No trouble w walls, or stairs down or drawing roof I want... BUT- when I label the lower level a walkout it becomes level 1 and the garage pops down to that level! I have looked for plan defaults to change for garage, floor levels...? HELP please! Thank you, Diane
  4. I am a mid level user & have upgraded to Home Designer Pro 2021- LOVE IT! I have a single story house w attached garage I am designing. It is on a steep lot & will have a walkout basement. No trouble w walls, or stairs down or drawing roof I want... BUT- when I label the lower level a walkout it becomes level 1 and the garage pops down to that level! I have looked for plan defaults to change for garage, floor levels...? HELP please! Thank you, Diane
  5. Oh dear, sound like I lost my revisions! I will search the videos for how to “copy my plan file from system to system manually” Thank you for taking the time to reply & pointing me in the right direction!
  6. yes I transferred my active license. and then I put it back. oh, did not see anything in the directions about “copy my plan file system to system manually”...... would that have been a pop up question I did not answer....?
  7. For the first time I transferred my Home Designer pro 2015 from my IMac to the macbook air and all was well & got lots done! And I successfully got it back onto the IMac, or so I thought..... NONE of my plan changes came back..... don't know if it's lost or if I should go back and see if it's somehow still on the laptop? Any help is appreciated! 
  8. Very unfamiliar with this..... but I will now- Thanks! OK, I searched, there were two suggestions- my question and your answer!
  9. Very unfamiliar with this..... but I will now- Thanks!
  10. I have a client who wants a Pella/Nana curved bi-fold door.... any ideas on how to fake that as I can't seem to find a mfg catalog for either company available for my Home Designer Pro 2015......