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  1. Yes, 2023 does auto build trusses. Program built some, but others remain rafters. I'll delete the roofs and use manual build. Thank you very much for your time!
  2. Hello; Walkout Basement Rambler, with all truss 4/12 roof with some overframe garage roof gables. I have set wall/ceiling elevations, all are correct; yet some walls on front of home are extending to meet trusses which should sit on the top plate. One of of the garages (left one), I keep getting 9 1/4" rafters showing, despite hitting the truss selection button in several different windows. Garage wall top plate elevations are correct. ( Ignore front gable roof on right garage it is incorrect, but I have some wall changes to do there, so I'll correct roof then) What I missing with trusses and wall heights? Thanks, Geoff 1536SF w-stairs & garages & roofs add garage gable 2 ft garage wall flr elv 11-29-24.plan
  3. Ah yes, on the foundation wall tab. Got it! Thank you both for responding!
  4. Hello; Question - How do I add a material layer in the "Floor Structure Definition" window? I select a room in the drawing, go to "Room Specification" tab, then select "Structure" and select "Floor Structure" and select Edit; I get the "Floor Structure Definition" window. How do I edit the floor structure? I want to add a 2x plate below the joist (sits on top of foundation wall).
  5. Answering this from a construction perspective: No it does not make sense to run rafter perpendicular to the existing. Running rafters this way, you will have to beef up the existing rafter to carry the load of the new perpendicular rafters, and also need to post under the new barge to carry the new rafters. You would also need a collar tie, and a structural engineer to figure this out. I would run rafters parallel and either have a different pitch on the side that bumps out 6', or run an eyebrow roof off the new main roof to cover the bump out.
  6. Most standard/production type vinyl windows are actually slightly smaller than their stated size, so the rough opening is the window size. A 5/0 x 4/0 window (5'w x 4'h); would have a 5' x 4' RO. However, not all windows fit this. Some RO's are 1" over stated window size. As solver stated, check with your window manufacturer.