so looks like plan view works, but I cannot get it to work from ortho(image), plot lines work. perspective cameras(image) ( plot lines not available as an option) do not work. below is where it placed an ortho image, above is where it placed a perspective image. Floor camera images also do not work. Other interesting tidbits. it looks to draw a square around whatever is on the SPV and sends that (just noticed that now), true whether the snap to active CAD point is on or off. Interesting that it only works for temporary CAD points. I could see this being quite useful for aligning plans with seperate SPVs on the same floor. I have elevation cameras off from the main plan area. I could then put a CAD Point off the layout page. Although I noticed the CAD point is on every single layout point, so a little less useful as I typically align elevations to a different point, same with a perspective camera. Where I find the normal send to layout a bit tricky is when the scale changes, so I suppose one could send the one SPV, get it all good, set the temp marker then do all the other SPVs. then move to elevations.
But still does not work for images, unless you got it to work somehow? The reason I use images is to reduce the PDF file size, especially floor cameras.