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Posts posted by HarstineSteve

  1. Thanks for the advice.  I'm finding one part of it confusing, though.  Both of you, David and Kbird1, have said I need to be careful getting things right in the vertical.  But when stair sections are joined using a landing, and they merge into a single object, HD Pro handles the Z relationships for you -- joining one section to the next and representing them as "Section # 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, ...".


    It sounds to me like what I'm hearing from you is that there is not an analogous merging if there is no landing.  Instead I must manipulate the vertical position of each section independently myself.  Is this right?  How does one even set the vertical start of a stair section?  I do not find a "Distance from floor" field on the stair dialog, and HD Pro's Transform/Replicate dialog seems to ignore an attempt to shift a stair section with a "Z Delta" move.


    Thanks again for your help.  Really appreciated.


    (P.S.  Since this is a tough -- but not uncommon -- thing to need to do in HD Pro, it seems like a good topic for a tutorial video, no?)

  2. Hello,


    I have HD Pro 9.0.  I've been using it for several years off and on.  Three years ago I got my HD Pro house design permitted.  It's framed, dried in and I'm now working on HVAC ducts.  You could call this house a 'bucket list' project.


    I'm trying to use HD Pro on a different project now -- a remodel, where I need to tuck some basement-to-first story stairs around a corner, using winders instead of a landing at the corner, in order to get enough treads into the available length. 


    I'm trying to follow the instructions offered at http://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00486/.

    The trouble is that I cannot get the stair sections to "merge" as they do in the instructions.  I have no trouble getting sections to merge if I click to create a landing, but I don't want a landing;  I need winders.  HD 9.0 doesn't look exactly like what the instructions show;  when you drag out a stair section it has no round 'handle' at the top as shown in the instructions.  Each end-to-end stair section I create remains separate.  A camera shows that each begins again at the ground level, instead of at the height the previous one ended.  When I open a section I see just the specification dialog for that section, rather than for all of the sections together in the same dialog, numbered 1, 2, ...


    Is there a trick I need to know?  Or a bug in HD Pro 9.0?  I can paste in some images if the situation isn't clear.


      thanks for any suggestions - Steve