Does anyone know the HD rationale behind not being able to change an item's layer (especially imported items) and not being able to create a custom layer? Is there some automation limitation with this software that requires all imported items to be in the interior fixtures layer? And not creating custom layers? This seems like such a basic capability that is in several other CAD products. Why has it not been a capability from the start in HD? Is this capability present in Chief Architect?
All Sketchup imports from 3D Warehouse go on the interior fixtures layer and it would be very helpful to separate them out onto other layers and create some custom layers. I have vehicles, bicycles, toolboxes, dart boards, pool tables, corn hole games, fixtures, etc. in all different areas of my plans to prove that there is adequate room for these items to reside and be used. It is very cumbersome to show different views and create the correct layouts without a layer transfer capability. This should be basic capability, I am shocked it is not in all versions of HD from the start!