Hi Folks, I’m a complete rookie at this type of program. I’ve been experimenting using Suite for four months on one house design. I’ve put a lot of time into my design so want to modify It rather than starting from scratch. I’ve tried using the recommended info in the knowledge base and it’s clunky and really not that repeatable. I’m considering upgrading to the next level up (Architectural) but it’s not clear that version will solve it. Pro may do it but that is a lot of money for a rookie doing just one house. If I was confident to be able to print construction drawings from Pro then I would consider it. Do people routinely use Pro to get plans code approved, bid by builders, and constructed, or only in the full Chief Architect program. I have the structural engineering down, just not the drafting ability. I will have very advanced framing not widely used. It will be a zero energy home.
I currently have a 36’ shed roof with a 2/12 pitch. I want to convert it to a gable with the back side starting at 9’ high going up at 3/12, then coming down at 5/12 to the wall that would be approximately 11’4”. I tried making a simple new house with a small invisible room near the high side and then changed the ceiling heights, it worked but not consistently and not really at all in my current more complex design. Any advice on using what I have, and whether the next version up will make it easy? Thank you