Home Designer Pro 2015
I am trying to determine the best way to add a 2nd level to the home I am designing. Here is the process I am using;
* After creating the entire 1st floor layout, I go to "Build -> Floor -> Build New Floor"
* It gives me the options "Derive new 2nd floor plan from the 1st floor plan" with a sub option to "Step floor/ceiling elevations to match existing floor", and "make new blank plan for the 2nd floor".
My second floor plan walls (ext & int) will not necessarily mirror the level 1's floor plan. The problem I am having is when the new floor is created using "make new blank plan for the 2nd floor" and I am working on "Floor 2", the exterior walls from level 1 are shown on level 2. Do I delete these walls and create new Exterior walls and begin my plan? If I don't, it makes it rather confusing as to which new exterior walls I have drawn as some sit directly above the level 1 walls.
I have added a photo to help explain.
I hope I have been clear enough. If not, please let me know and I will clarify!
Thank you,