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About briancaos

  • Birthday 06/22/1973

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  1. Thank you. I already have the bonus backdrops, containing the 9 panoramic and spherical images. I was just wondering if it was possible to import your own panoramic and spherical images?
  2. I created a spherical image as a .jpg and imported it as a backdrop using the Import Backdrop tool in Home Designer Architectural 2018. But Home Designer did not recognize the image as a spherical image, it was displayed as a (rather skewed) static image. It is at all possible to import spherical or panoramic images into Home Designer Architectural 2018, or do I have to live with the 9 images that comes with the product? If yes, what format does the image need to have in order to be recognized as a spherical or panoramic image? Kind regards Brian Pedersen
  3. Yes, indeed with the auto roofing OFF, the roof was saved. Again, thank your for your time, it's much appreciated.
  4. Swarren, thank you for the tip. It did no save this plan, but my Funkis plan was saved. Again, thank you for your time, it's really appreciated.
  5. Hi Swarren and Jo_Ann, Swarren, your first solution does indeed fix the issue, but unfortunately the file is read-only for me, as I only have Home Designer Architectural 2018. Jo_Ann, unchecking the "high shed/gable" wall at the north wall does bring up the roof again, but this time in 2 planes. This was the issue that I solved in 2017 by having both ajacent walls as "high shed" walls. I guess there is a bug in Home Designer Architectural 2018 as I have other plans where the roof is messed when using "high shed" walls. Thank you for your time, it is very appreciated.
  6. This is just a follow-up from this previous post It seems that Architectural 2018 have roofing issues as this house also have a roofing defect, again I suspect the "High Shed/Gable Wall" to be the cause of the issue. When removing all "High Shed/Gable Wall"'s, the roof falls back to it's normal (obviously without the cool high shed wall effect). If this a bug, or does anyone know how to fix the issue? Attahced is a .zip file containing the plan file.
  7. It's wonderful that Architectural 2018 have addressed the issues with performance that 2017 had. But it seems that 2018 also handles roofing differently. Attached is a .zip file containing a funkis house. The house was started in Architectural 2017 and the plan works fine here. But when opened in 2018, most of the roof is missing. It seems to be an issue where 2 walls across each other cannot be of type "High Shed/Gable wall" Is this a bug in the new version, or is there a solution to the issue?
  8. This is a traditional Danish Parcel Home as seen many places in the suburbs and small towns. The home has a few "luxury" upgrades that is usually only part of more upscale and expensive homes such as the 2 car garage.
  9. briancaos

    Traditional Farm

    A farm design with a 2 story main house and a large 3 car garage with an office.
  10. Thanks for the help. I can see that my version (Home Designer Architectural 2014) does not have the backsplash tool. I guess it's time to save up for an upgrade. Again thank you for taking the time to look at my designs. Regards, Brian Pedersen Denmark Just a home enthusiast
  11. I have created a kitchen with a backsplash. The backsplash wraps perfectly around the windows, as you can see in the attachment "backsplash OK". I then reversed the plan. After then, the backsplash will not wrap around the windows in the reversed plan, see attachment "backsplash reversed error". I have tried just about everything; removed and re-added the window, removed and re-added the backsplash, the cabinets, changed material, thickness, ... but nothing will make the backsplash wrap around the windows. What can I do? - Best regards Brian Pedersen Denmark Not a pro, just a home enthusiast. Parcel Home 153sqm - Reversed2.plan