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  1. BTW: I'm using ChiefArchitect Suite 2020 I don't know why the exterior ground floor rear wall is not showing the correct material...tried to correct it but to no avail. Same with the roof tiles. They should be terracotta. Attached is the current plan that I'm using. HamtunGarage.plan
  2. Wilco...need to get this done tomorrow.
  3. I should add...this is a recent occurrence as my prior design had all the colours working just fine.
  4. Still driving the Morgan...not yet 10,000 miles on it! No matter how I reset the materials for the exterior walls and roof, it stays black. Hamtun_garage.dwg Hamtun_Hobby_Room.pdf HamtunGarage.pdf
  5. I have created my brick garage that will have a room above. For some reason, the exterior is showing as black when the brick material selected is red. There are prior designs that work fine when I load them, but for some reason when I edit the wall material it doesn't change anything. Any suggestions?
  6. I just tried one change that seemed to work...I think. I realised that the lower front exterior wall was not set to full gable. This change seemed to make the roof plane disappear. Does that make sense?
  7. No...I didn't realise that I needed to add the plan. It is now attached (hopefully). NewBuild2018Fullplan.plan
  8. Well, I've followed all your guidance as best possible and seem to have hit another snag. For some reason there is a roof pane inside a ground floor room and I cannot for the life of me figure out what I've done wrong. Also, the upstairs rooms above have something poking up into the attic area. Any thoughts or suggestions? See the attached views. Thanks Len
  9. This worked and helped me to recall how to do this...forgot the process over the past 18 months. Now for my next challenge...can I add a garage to this plan?
  10. Many thanks to both of you. I'll let you know how I get on.
  11. Yes...but it is the garage until spring arrives in the UK
  12. That what I get when I rebuild as well. If you don't delete the garage and create a 3D full perspective, you can see the roof line front and back of the house which is correct. In the view you've created I notice that the window on the stairway at the front does not have a gable wall above it. I don't know the software well enough to understand why. The plan with the garage included does have the correct roof line. Part of my challenge is remembering how I created the half storey/attic which enabled me to have the dormer windows. Does this make any sense? These photos should give you some idea of what the real house looks like.
  13. Eric hopefully I've attached the correct plan file. Keep in mind that I'm not a builder or architect but want to create a plan that a professional could use as a starting point. And thanks for your help. Len NewBuild_planG.plan
  14. I can see the problem but don't know how to fix it. The roof build after deleting is higher than the original and the window on the staircase does not have a gable roof over it. I'm designing from my current house (which I have used the plans from the builder)that I want to rebuild in another location. The dollhouse view shows the second floor as it should be (the porch roof encroached due to my poor creation) but this reflects the real floor structure The floor plan for the second floor shows the roof outline even though it was removed before removing the porch and garage. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
  15. Apologies but I'm not certain that I understand your answer. Are you asking me to post the images into my comments here? Also, are you saying that I can't change the way that the roof is rebuilt after deleting the attached garage and porch? It that is the case, then I'll have to create this building from scratch without the garage and porch to get the roof on the house that I want. Again, I'm not an architect or builder, but simply want to design a house that I can hand to an architect to create a professional version.