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Everything posted by FusedLight

  1. *sigh* That's what I was afraid of. Well... not really "afraid".... I was just hoping there was a tool in the Box'O'Goodies to let me go click.click.click and the circuit is built. (Oh, and lookie there! I've got a sig block now! See... I'm trainable!)
  2. Hi Eric... Just try to find a pre-made element that I can drag'n'drop onto my plan. I've got the cabinets placed, now I want to stick some strip lights on the bottom of them. I suppose I could add some sort of "placeholder" lamp, but it would be nice if there was a little widget that would do the magic for me.
  3. It's easy enough to add circuits between switches and lights, but I'm having a hard time finding a tool that can do the "feed" wiring that connects various switches to the supplying electrical circuits and thence on to the appropriate breaker(s). Thanks!
  4. I'm looking to add a bunch of under cabinet LED strip lights. Any suggestions on how to add that to my plans?