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About Jasontmf

  • Birthday 02/07/1985

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    Cedar Hill, Missouri

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  1. I would upload the plan but it's telling me it's to large.
  2. So I enlarged the bathroom by moving and exterior wall by 3 ft. The roof and foundation wall didn't move with it. Ive tried all i can and i'm just not getting anywhere. What am im missing here?
  3. Got it thanks for the help fellas.
  4. Im almost there! The gables all connect and the baselines are correct. This high wall is the final hurdle.
  5. And i cant get this gable end gable to line up with the main house. I want a high wall on the left side of the man door
  6. Thank you, I was able to get a few of them to work with the join roof planes tool but not all. Also the gutter boards dont line up
  7. So i wanted a taller pitch on the 4 gables coming off the main house. I read all the knowledge base material and watched videos. I half way figured it out. Although i am left with the gables not even connecting main roof at the top.
  8. Yes that is what i'm trying to achieve. I have Home Designer Pro 2018
  9. Having trouble getting the main roof to line up with a shed roof. Honeystone House.plan