Thankyou, LawB10. OK, I am attaching my plan file this time.
So I did what I understood you to be saying:
Went back to Roof Trial 1
Added a second floor (to just the cabin area, not porch). Dropped rough ceiling height to 12".
Set second floor North and South walls to gable
Set pitch on cabin East and West walls to 12" on top floor (that just created a gable roof, so then set upper pitch to 12", lower pitch to 3" on top and bottom floors)
Lowered roof pitch to 3" for all rail walls
Result is not what I see in your pic, so something is not right. I tried raising the ceiling of porch so roofs would line up but it went back to the roof merge problem, then tried adding second floor over porch, same problem,
Cabin Layout2.plan