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  1. Pro 2018; visibly on in camera views; I've used the dialog boxes and my video card should be fine as it's on a brand new Surface Pro, hmmm...
  2. I've used the dialogue, the edit button and the light button in the menu bar to turn the lights on but nothing works:( what am I missing? Thank you!
  3. You are of course absolutely correct; the builder advised me that it would be backfilled with earth. Would there be a way to portray this? I tried building a wall and that seemed to work not too badly but authenticity would be better if possible... Thanks & cheers!
  4. Thank you, no, I want to detect that there is not an empty room under the garage but instead basically an 8 foot high slab of concrete...
  5. Is there a way to fill in a basement garage (i.e. the garage is on the main floor and underneath is not a room, just backfilled cement) ? I have a ceiling over it but it still looks like a room in a cross section...Cheers!
  6. A belated yet no less sincere thank you for this, I've been away for medical reasons; Is there a way in Pro 2018 to fill in a basement garage (i.e. the garage is on the main floor and underneath is no room, just backfilled cement) ? I have a ceiling over it but it still looks like a room in a cross section...Cheers!
  7. I will do that, thank you for your time and kind attention! Would you like me to share their response for educational purposes?
  8. Thank you, DJP! I’m actually trying to get away from the 360 thing which doesn’t seem to allow the client as much flexibility to freely view between floors which is why I wanted to send the file and perhaps lock things so he can’t change them; i’m working in pro 2018, sorry, I forgot to mention that; Do you have any ideas as to how to facilitate this? In other software I have been able to do this so I’m sure there must be a way LOL…
  9. My realtor client would like to have a 2D/ 3D spinnable version like what we work on as opposed to a pre-formed walkthrough, could I just send him the file? And should I lock the layers? Perhaps there's a better idea? Thank you:)
  10. Hi there:) I'm trying to half of a 2nd floor wall in siding and the other half in wood in Pro 2018; tried the soffit idea but no luck; any suggestions? Thanks!
  11. There are 2 of the same table, and 3 of the same chair in your plan. No vases or flowers. That as a terrific idea, thank you, DJP!
  12. Sorry, that was the wrong plan and I can't get the others to upload, I'll keep trying...
  13. Sorry for delay, I have trouble with files etc lol; nicely staged one has too many MB but you should get the idea with this one; there are plants (mostly from Chief Architect) & an armchair on the floor b!ut you'll see that the hanging basket and calla lilies (both CA) are visible! Maybe not all items have the same capability?
  14. Went to a different plan to experiment; did exactly as you did and threw in an armchair for good measure, all from the same Wayfair Trade catalogue as a control; the only thing I see in top view is the armchair:( tried both the full and floor cameras just in case How do I post an image? Do I attach a file? I really appreciate your interest in helping btw:) .