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  1. Thank you David. The very second I ticked the "show line weight" box in preferences it all came to life. I think it just took some time away from the screen to see it. Many thanks, Bill
  2. Hello Everyone, I am trying to change the line weight of my roof planes. No matter where I make the attempt, the line weight I see on the screen remains the same, about 18. I've tried to uncheck layers in the object box as well as change the display properties. No matter what I do, the line weight that I see on the screen will not change. I cannot find any related titles in the defaults or preferences. I've done a search here for line weights and changes and tried most of the suggested to no avail. What am I missing? Thanks, Bill HD Pro 2017
  3. I've been looking for a way to program hot keys or shortcuts to things I access regularly. Some of the menu items already have shortcuts assigned to them. What about the ones that do not. Has anyone figured out a way to assign hot keys to items? eg. Open Layout or New Layout. I don't see anything in the reference manual or user guide. I have other apps where this is possible. Bill HD Pro 2014 HD Pro 2017
  4. David, Thank you for that suggestion. I didn't think of exploding the dormer because I did not want to edit the dormer. But... it worked. Now the main roof no longer cuts through the balcony. Thanks to everyone else--I did consider all of those options.
  5. I would like to add a cantilevered balcony to a large shed dormer. Essentially the dormer acts as a room within the second story. The deck will draw just fine, but anything I do to the roof planes completely eliminates the dormer walls and roof. I would like to break the roof planes to meet the sides of the balcony so as to not cover the balcony deck. It is an automatic dormer so I get the warning "Cannot build walls for dormer here because other walls are in the way." Anything I want to change on the rear roof plane results in the entire dormer reverting to the original roof. Any help appreciated.
  6. Thanks for your guidance. I used the Jo Ann technique. I had to get back here and read carefully. Each wall must be selected individually and the rail height adjusted. That lengthens the half walls. Just for good measure I will try dragging the wall down as well. Bill
  7. I drew a foundation for a basement that will be living space. Hence, a few egress wells for fire safety. Those were in place and looking good. Then we decided as part of our kitchen remodel we would add a slight bump out to the main window in the dining area. This happens to be over one of the egress wells in the basement. When I added the window bump, the egress well walls automatically rose to the level of the floor of the bump out. The 2 separate items are now somehow connected and whatever I do seems to negate their separation. When I initially added the bump out the opposing walls of the egress well rose through the bump to meet the roof of the bump out. If I change the floor and ceiling of the egress well, it drags the bump out floor down into the foundation level. If I move the floor or ceiling of the bump out, the egress well moves up to become one with the bump out. Can I separate these 2 items? pic 1 is the egress wells as originally drawn. This is how I want the well in pic 2 to appear and build. Pic 2 is the offending party.
  8. Mick, Framing or Floor defaults, they are both the same in terms of how the program operates. I tried it to be sure. I just ran down the basement and measured them--7 1/4" joists. The house is 1936, so I'm sure that explains it. We are raising the house, excavating to make our 1/4 basement into a full basement living area, pouring new foundation and setting the house back down. These are the engineering drawings. Bill
  9. Thanks Eric and Mick. This was a tough one and NOT self evident. When I selected Defaults/Floor Structure, the type (lumber) was greyed out and unavailable to check. Hometalk 1 jpeg. I don't know why exactly, but I clicked on the second sizing box (2) under Layer which was set at 7". When I clicked on that box, the Structure Type then became active and changed to I Joist. Hometalk 2 jpeg. After I changed that to lumber all is good. Thank you for the guidance. Mystery detectives on the job. Bill
  10. When I generate the floor framing the program shows I joists, regardless of the fact that I specify lumber (fir studs 16" center) or default, which is supposed to be lumber--according to the reference manual. This is only true of the first floor framing, the second floor is lumber. I'm sure I am missing something. Any ideas would be helpful, thanks. Bill HD Pro 2014