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Everything posted by Duke0812

  1. Hi guys, I posted a couple days ago about how to build indoor garden which I got helped with the indoor terrain which was great. Thanks for the help. I ran into another problem. So I was building a garden shed in the same plan and when I change the materials of the roof it changes the material of the sheds and the entire building. I tried to but a room divider around the shed but it did not work. Also when I attempt to add another floor to the building, It add the floors to the entire structures instead of excluding the garden area. I tried to put it builds second floor based on 1st floor plan but it did not work either. I am using Homedesinger 2015 Academic version. My main focus is obviously the garden so it s not the end of the world for me if the buildings not well built. But I still want to rebuild the surrounding at best to help recreating the problems with shading and snow falling for the plants. Thanks you guys so much Duc plan.plan
  2. Duke0812

    Indoor Garden

    Hi guys, I ran into another problem. So I was building a garden shed in the same plan and when I change the materials of the roof it changes the material of the sheds and the entire building. I tried to but a room divider around the shed but it did not work. Also when I attempt to add another floor to the building, It add the floors to the entire structures instead of excluding the garden area. I tried to put it builds second floor based on 1st floor plan but it did not work either. I am using Homedesinger 2015 Academic version. Thanks you so much for the help. Duc plan.plan
  3. Duke0812

    Indoor Garden

    Thanks so much guys, I tried a combination of everything both of you said and it works.
  4. Duke0812

    Indoor Garden

    Hello everyone, I am a new user and studying garden designing. I am using Homedesigners 2015. I am trying to create an indoor garden but I ran into a problem. Basically I have a building with a garden space inside. So like a normal room except that it does not have a roof and the floor is mixed of cobblestone and soil terrain. The program does not allow me to build terrain inside a building and I am trying to find away to overcome this. The only option I have so far is using shape and change material into soil. This create problem since there are undulation, slope, and ditch in the garden terrain feature that is impossible to achieve using the shape. If anyone knows how to solve this please help. I attached my current plan and the two roofless rooms are the one that the garden is to be placed in. Thank you very much Duc plan.plan