Re. HomeDesigner Pro 2022 build 23.4.0
Is this normal behavior? It seems to be related to the "Rotate" setting.
The walls were auto-generated and I'm now doing manual tweaking.
In plan view, if I move a wall stud oriented vertically re. screen (not "A" in the image) then the cursor keys follow the usual pattern as expected.
If I move a stud oriented like element "A" in the drawing then the cursor keys are all wrong.
"up" becomes "left"
"right" becomes "up"
"down" becomes "right"
"left" becomes "down"
If I manually change the dimensions of "A" from 3 1/2 by 1 1/2, to 1 1/2 by 3 1/2, the keys are still acting incorrectly.
It seems to be related to rotate but that's not supposed to alter the cursor keys.
"The Rotate options let you rotate and align a selected wall stud, blocking, or header within the wall’s framing layer. Select None for the framing member’s Thickness to span the depth of the framing layer; select Flat to Outside to rotate the member 90° and align it with the outside of the framing layer; select Flat to Inside to rotate the member 90° and align it with the inside of the framing layer."