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  1. I am using Home Designer PRO 2017. The only time I can get the mirrors to show the reflection is when I click on "Final View". As soon as I move around the room - the reflections go back to black. I am trying to create a video walkthrough but can't turn the reflections on. I've looked under Camera Defaults as suggested in earlier posts
  2. I would like to add picture frame moulding to the walls. I can use a picture frame and make the inside material the same as the wall colour, but how do I do it for odd shapes, such as up the stairwell? (attached photo) (Using HD PRO 2017)
  3. Thank you @katalyst777 Opening the wall and marking "No Room Definition" worked perfectly
  4. I would like to remove the chair rail from ONLY the fireplace wall. Because it is a sunken living room, I have an invisible wall from the end of the FP wall to enclose the room. Karen Home Designer Pro 2017
  5. Why can't I move the dining chairs under the table?