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Posts posted by Griffin

  1. The safest way to do this is to turn off all layers that are connected to the house. Turn on all layers relative to the terrain (terrain, roads, sidewalks), then turn on the "Reference floor" display which shows the virtual layers of the house when can then be used to orient the terrain etc to the house.


    When you have it where you wnat it, you can turn back on the layers of the house, walls, windows, roof planes etc. Just keep them separate and unselectable while you otient the terrain to the house.



    Just to add a comment, it appears that it is not possible to move the contours directly.  You can move the data points and then Clear/Rebuild the terrain in a new location following David's procedure.  I have set up a "Move Topo" layer set with all roads/sidewalk  and topo information turned on and everything else turned off.