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Everything posted by kenton00

  1. Hi Everyone, Thanks for the timely replies. I wasn't really expecting anyone to follow up. Good to know that there is an active community here. I am a new HDA user (maybe you can tell, :-/), and this was my first post. Yes, it could well be the video card (actually, integrated HD3000 chipset; Core i3, 6MB mem, Asus laptop). I will install HDA on another system and try viewing the plan on it and see if the 3D views render. If it is the video card, I have to say, it would leave me somewhat perplexed. How is it that I have no problems displaying 3D views in the beach-house tutorial plan that I just completed, but I cannot display 3D views in the plan that I created subsequently? That doesn't make sense (at all). I'm begin to think that something got corrupted with the HDA installation subsequent to my creating the beach-house tutorial plan. Thanks for your help. Kenton
  2. Hi All, * Using Home Designer Architectural (HDA), 2017 Whenever I try and generate a 3D view, whether a camera or house / doll perspective, my screen goes white and then the system locks up. It does this no matter how basic the house plan. It even croaks with a house plan that consist of nothing more than four exterior walls (see attached 'test.plan'). Yes, my driver is up-to-date (5/2015), and HDA says it supports OpenGL 3.1; The video card settings are the defaults that HDA supplied. I wasn't having *any* problems until I recently started a new house plan (see next paragraph). The really weird part is I can go back and open up the plan from the beach-house tutorial I worked through and I have no problems displaying 3D views. WTH?? That's completely bizarre. Anyone got any ideas? It's a real bummer because I started a new house plan after completing the beach-house tutorial but I can't even view it (in 3D), because of this white-screen / lockup problem. I tried searching the forums this problem / question but didn't see anything posted. Kenton test.plan