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About DimacHomes

  • Birthday 05/06/1956

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    Merimbula New South Wales Australia
  • Interests
    Power boating, flying, socialising and generally enoying life.

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  1. The railing are outside the building on the Western side. There are rails inside the house but are not relevant to the issue. Please just try and create a deck yourself either attached to the house or stand-alone and you will see the issue. I have resent the plan in case what was posted was not fully received or the faulty deck is somehow not being included Thanks, Claude
  2. Paul Menke.planThe plans are not related. The plan marked TEST was to show that the system is capable of making a deck and that I understand how to make a deck The Paul Menke plan is a two storey house for which a deck is being added on the upper floor. The deck appears on the Western side with the railing but has no deck or supports. In fact if you attempt to create a stand alone deck anywhere on the lot, it creates with no deck or supports. A deck can be created OK on a fresh plan which means that the failure relates to the plan set-up rather than the procedure used to create the deck. To help me resolve the issue Paul Menke.plan create a deck anywhere in the Paul Menke plan and you will see the issue, I could discard the plan and start again, however identifying the issue will insure I do not recreate the problem down the track. Your assistance in problem solving and patience is much appreciated, Claude PS I have updated the file with the deck showing the issue
  3. The plans are not related. The plan marked TEST was to show that the system is capable of making a deck and that I understand how to make a deck The Paul Menke plan is a two storey house for which a deck is being added on the upper floor. The deck appears on the Western side with the railing but has no deck or supports. In fact if you attempt to create a stand alone deck anywhere on the lot, it creates with no deck or supports. A deck can be created OK on a fresh plan which means that the failure relates to the plan set-up rather than the procedure used to create the deck. To help me resolve the issue please create a deck anywhere in the Paul Menke plan and you will see the issue, I could discard the plan and start again, however identifying the issue will insure I do not recreate the problem down the track. Your assistance in problem solving and patience is much appreciated, Claude PS I have updated the file with the deck showing the issue Deck test.plan Paul_Menke.plan
  4. I updated my profile yesterday which now correctly indicates the program used. How is the signature updated ?? It would have been useful to me if you had responded to the query.
  5. DimacHomes

    Creating Decks

    Creating a deck on a just created plan is the issue. While I can create the deck using the railings and naming the space a deck, it results in a deck with no supports and no floor or decking. Starting a fresh plan (as a test), results in a fully functional deck is OK. Attached is the plan with the bad deck as well as the test plan with the OK deck. I suspect the plan that is not working has likely not been set-up correctly when I started drawing the house. Something is stopping me. I had no issues until I switched from Home Design PRO to SUITE Claude Xuereb What am I missing?? Paul_Menke.plan Deck test.plan
  6. DimacHomes

    Dutch Gables

    I wish to create a simple Dutch Gable and I am having trouble following the instructions in KB-00749 of uly 16 2015. The instruction states: CLICK ON THE SIDE EDGES OF A ROOF PLANE THAT YOU WANT TO BUILD A DUTCH HIP TO SELECT IT ALONG THAT EDGE. That works fine, as the roof plane becomes highlighted. next it says CLICK THE BREAKLINE EDIT BUTTON<THEN CLICK ONCE ALONG THE LEDGE............. My problem occurs the moment I click the breakline. I don't get a chance to even move the mouse as the roof pane is no longer highlighted. I'm doing something wrong. Is there another breaklinebutton other than the WALL BREAK BUTTON? Claude
  7. DimacHomes


    The fact that you all can do it makes me feel like an idiot. Yep, the thumbnail you sent is precisely what I am endeavoring to achieve! I guess I'll have to experiment on a couple of simple models until I get the hang of it. Again thank you all for your advice and guidance. Claude Denison Close 3 BD Atrium.plan
  8. DimacHomes


    It seems my attachment did not attach. Here is the plan I mentioned in my reply. Claude
  9. DimacHomes


    It seems my attachment did not attach. Here is the plan I mentioned in my reply. Claude
  10. DimacHomes


    My apologies for a slow response. Had wife medical issues to attend to which resulting in hotel living for a week.. Thank you all for your overwhelming responses to my Atrium problem. David Potter, you inclusion of a movie was beyond expectation. It also taught me a couple of techniques. The atrium you created was unfortunately where I got to, whereby the roof planes fell towards the opening and resemble a flattened doughnut. What I am attempting to achieve is the image that "Law 10" produced in the first thumbnail. A regular roof structure with the roof missing over the atriums. The alternative (thumbnail 2) would result in a flood in a rainstorm. So, Mr Law 10, the question I have for you is, HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO re-invert the roof upward. I defined the Atriums as NO CEILING AND NO ROOF. I then nominated all four (4) wall to the atrium as 'High shed /gable' as stated, including the long dividing walls and that resulted in the roof planes becoming corrupted and No Atrium being developed. I even named each wall as a shed wall, one at a time to see which one caused the problem and tried the BUILD ROOF progressively. It seemed no one in particular caused it. So my friends, where am i not following your advice?? This lonely Aussie needs you. Claude I have reattached the plan rebuilt to David Potter's build methods.
  11. DimacHomes


    I am developing a Duplex home with an Atrium in each dwelling.Each home is a mirror image with a separating wall down the middle. The Atrium is in the centre An Atrium provides light and air in a home especially in an area adjoining the separating wall in the center of the home. I have reviewed the entries and discussions with no luck. Perhaps Atriums in other countries do not have roofs or ceilings.On completion of the plan I cannot remove the roof portion over the created atrium without destroying the roof line completely whereby an overhead view of the plan resembles a deflated doughnut. The plan is attached if you are wishing to review our use of an atrium Claude DIMAC Homes Denison Close.plan
  12. Thankyou Keith and David for your response. Yes, I can create almost anything using the specification dialog. I guess I was hoping for the easier way out. The market in North America is huge, hence the Architect product provides a lesser support to the needs of us remote users. It wasn't jjust windows and doors that I needed. I'll just have to keep at it. But thank you both for your interest Claude
  13. This is my first Post.... So go easy on me. I have Home designer Pro 2015 on W7 Premium. The Core catalog on the system is somewhat limited and does not contain a lot of the products used in Australia.I guess I need a manufacturer catalog or something else. I particularly need doors and windows that are commonly used over here. A large supplier here is Stegbar who I believe is a US co. Can any one please advise if they have any downloadable material? Claude