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Posts posted by SamR2007

  1. Hm.  Thanks for all the help.  Some good resources here.  Let me ask this though:  Would I be able to 'build' my playset piece by piece?  In other words, is there a way for me to simply define a piece such as a 2"x6" of a given length, make a bunch of copy, place them where I desire, and repeat other pieces until I get my playset?  Then I would be able to get a bill of materials and cutting lengths as usual.  Is such a thing possible?

  2. Hello All,


    I was wondering if Home Designer Pro has the ability to plan out just playset equipment for a given backyard.  I already have a house, which I've inputted into the software, now I want to plan a playground for the kids.  The thing I can't find off the bat is a way to design a playset - forts, swings, monkey bars, slides, etc.  - that is unattached to the house.  It would save me a lot of time if I can design such a thing and use the materials list and cutting guides et al to plan out my designs. 


    Do such features exist in this software?  If so, can you point me to a good tutorial?  If not, can you recommend software capable of doing this?

