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  1. I’ve tried adjusting the truss placement and resetting the roof parameters, but I’m still running into the same issue. It seems like there’s something off with how the rafters are interacting with the wall plate heights. Could it be a setting I missed in the roof framing or the garage layout?
  2. Hello, I have a walkout basement rambler with a 4/12 truss roof and some overframe garage roof gables. I’ve set all wall/ceiling elevations, and they are correct, but some walls in the front of the house extend to meet the trusses, which should be sitting on the top plate. In one of the garages (the left one), I keep getting 9 1/4" rafters showing, despite selecting the truss option in several different windows. The garage wall top plate elevations are correct. (I’ll ignore the front gable roof on the right garage for now as it’s incorrect, but I plan to make some wall changes there and will correct the roof then.) What am I missing with trusses and wall heights? Thanks, 1081936321_153132Fw-sgaragesstar-29-24.plan