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  1. I have tried this several times, and I must be missing something. Deck foundation not matching house. And this is without even adding in the complication of the garage. Toskin Test.plan Toskin Test.plan
  2. When I do the foundation after the main house walls are up, and the garage is designated, it will not separate foundation types and it buries the Piers instead of elevating the home. I am beyond lost.
  3. This looks almost exactly what I am going for. The tutorial for home on elevated foundation is what I followed,, are you saying to use the first floor as standard then set the foundation after?
  4. Toskin TAKE 42.planHere is the plan file. Toskin TAKE 42.plan
  5. I have a customer that wants an island house on pilings, with a porch. Then an attached garage with a set of stairs into the home. (3 foot pilings). The shotgun style house is to have a loft over the master, thus making the center of the home a 2 story build. I can get the house on pilings with the tutorial using the 1st floor as the piling floor. However, when I switch to slab on grade, 1st floor for the garage, I cannot get the roofs to align, nor the wall on the garage side of the 3rd floor. I'm nearly to the point of doing it piece by piece in Sketchup. Any help or pointers to a tutorial that this slow headed contractor can follow? Thank you all so much in advance! 1st Floor_Toskin_Suey_Pine_Isl.pdf Toskin TAKE ROOF.pdf