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  1. IdahoJaci's post in Exterior Wall covering not consistent was marked as the answer   
    Sorry,  I was  so frustrated I forgot to mention I'm using HD Pro 2025.  I have removed everything from my plan except walls, doors, and windows, and it is still too large to attach. 
    I finally took a training class with Stephen.  In 30 minutes he answered all of my questions and issues.  On this wall issue, I did something very special.  Somehow I managed to make the screenshot as a new material and it changed everything.  Once we got rid of that it all went to the siding it was supposed to have.
  2. IdahoJaci's post in Roof planes do not join properly was marked as the answer   
    With 1 training session with Stephen, he solved all of these problems.  I now have all of my roof lines set correctly and the house is finally coming together.  I do have a couple odd, minor things popping up and will post them separately.  But so far, this program has been everything I wanted and needed.