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  1. Just had a meeting with our contractor. He suggested we drop our raised deck by 6" to leave a step-up to the threshold of the entry door. I designed the new raised deck from the existing rooms. But the entry door is part of an addition from 10 years ago and has less than 1/2" from the top of the steps to the threshold. Our contractor says that needs to be corrected when we move the entry door to be under the covered raised deck. It is not critical to do this in the design because the contractor says he'll work it out. But he thought it best we try it out to see if we like this or come up with another solution. Since there is a lot of framing, posts, and such under the deck, not sure the easiest and best way to do this since everything was autogenerated by HD when I added the deck. I'm using Home Designer Pro 2025. Lowering
  2. Spoke to Tech Support. I was doing it correctly, but for some reason the program is not transferring the change to the rendering. Have sent my plan off to Tech Support and they will check it out for me.
  3. I'm using Home Designer Pro 2025. Not a big deal, but I would love to try out a couple different layouts for the deck planking layout. I want to show the boards at 90 deg, possibly a picture frame layout, or a diagonal layout. Is this possible? I thought I saw something like this the other day, but can't find it now. I did change the planks from automatic to 90 deg, but nothing changed.
  4. IdahoJaci

    Too Much Stuff

    I have to say. It was a slow start and I am thankful I don't have to get into the nit and gritty part. I thought with 15 years in construction (all in the office and customer service), building shed and garages that I'd be familiar enough with terminology and basic understanding how buildings are put together, but it wasn't that easy. Maybe because very little of that was done on computers and fairly straight forward. But, I'm happy to say I've finished the plans for our remodel, even with gable roof lines intersecting. I only have one thing I have not been able to find an answer for. But that is on another post. Next week we start pricing it out and meeting with our contractor....
  5. I know it is me or something I have done incorrectly, but I am doing a deck and trying to decide if I like (and can afford) a full wall of rock or just the pony wall. First, I built these walls and changed things a few times, so it is likely an error I have brought forth. I ran the materials list and everything looks correct except some are 3" thick and some are 1/2". I'm trying to identify why the difference. The one thing that is curious is when I look to find the location on my plan, some of them indicate the open ends of the deck where there is no rock. I'm confused. I'm guessing all of this is my not understanding how the program is actually describing it. But, it does make it hard for me to know if I order 700 or 800 or 1400 sq ft of the rock. Thanks for any guidance you can offer. Jaci Home Designer PRO 2025 full Rock Entry Rock
  6. Why do you say that...sounds a bit rude. I guess I just need to find a different software that has people that help instead of snarky remarks.
  7. I'm using HDPro 2025. I finally got my roof and entry steps all correct. I have the roof build set as automatic. I next added the 14' wide deck to the front. I added the roof over the deck and using the front deck railing I put it as a gable roof. Now I have some weird roof line. And, now part of my roof no long touches the top of the plate. The pitch on long original roof is 3" and on the short line it is 2.5". But they seemed to work together until I added the part over the deck. top of plate: red, grey, and black wings 91 1/2 green -14 1/8 heel height: red, grey, and black wings 9 11/16 green 115 5/16 baseline height: all 101 3/16 ridge top height: red, grey, and green 139 1/4 black wings 139 1/4 fascia top height: grey green, black wings and inside red 98 15/16 outside red 98 11/16 I have played around on a copy of this plan and anything I do to the numbers or joining planes together just seems to make it worse. I don't want to continue with posts, beams, or even doors and windows that will be under this roof until it works....Any suggestions or ideas? Do I just go to manual panels and move it around until it works? Also any suggestions how to share the whole plan. I've followed the instructions, but zipped the file is still the same size.
  8. With 1 training session with Stephen, he solved all of these problems. I now have all of my roof lines set correctly and the house is finally coming together. I do have a couple odd, minor things popping up and will post them separately. But so far, this program has been everything I wanted and needed.
  9. Sorry, I was so frustrated I forgot to mention I'm using HD Pro 2025. I have removed everything from my plan except walls, doors, and windows, and it is still too large to attach. I finally took a training class with Stephen. In 30 minutes he answered all of my questions and issues. On this wall issue, I did something very special. Somehow I managed to make the screenshot as a new material and it changed everything. Once we got rid of that it all went to the siding it was supposed to have.
  10. I have no idea why when I built 3 walls exactly the same....pony wall 36" rock and over that brown metal. It is fine on 2 walls, but on one wall it shows siding to the left of the wind....except a small piece of metal below the siding. This thing is driving me crazy. It was correct until I change the foundation. Then this one wall changed. I finally got the door placed where it belongs, height-wise. But now need to change deck height and the wall covering.
  11. I appreciate the input. My slab is set at 0". But I can't figure how to set the height of the deck. I don't see anything on slab specification or Deck specifications to help. Maybe, I am misunderstanding the measurements offered. I changed Deck Post Footings 24" Above the Terrain, but that did not raise the deck any. I've avoided anything that said ceiling - don't even want to go there! The guy that built this addition could not measure! He put in vaulted ceilings, but they are not consistent and on one wall he totally forgot to account for the drywall thickness, so I have one side of the ceiling off by 5/8" where it butts up to the mobile home ceiling.....So, if I change my ceiling height, to take care of the exterior, later on IF I need to deal with individual rooms, can I put in the correct ceiling measurements then and not cause an issue with my exterior? I don't need to get too technical on the inside. We are adding a raised deck, and possibly swapping windows and entry door on different walls so we get to actually see the mountains.
  12. I'm dealing with a mobile home with a stick-built addition on a bit of a slope. The addition has the bottom of the exterior wall 24" above the slab, with a small raised deck (3-steps) to the front door. The height of this wall is 7'3", the door is 80" tall. So after all is said and done I have about 7" from the top of the door to the soffit. But, when I am drawing this, the door, the windows and the deck are all too low on the wall. Do I change the overall height of the walls, change each door and window with my measurements coming off the top of the walls instead of above the slab? The window next to the door is tall and does sit closer to the floor than the other windows....just now as low as in the photo.
  13. I made 8 variations of my plan. The videos I had watched all seemed to focus on the interior walls and than added the roof. I finally made a basic shell with no windows or doors and only 3 interior walls that were under the area of both roofs. Then I added the roof and it more or less worked. Then I added the rest of the interior walls, doors, and windows. Right now I only have a few inches where the two roof lines intersect that don't line up correctly. I have a training class scheduled for later this week. I will repost and try to summarize what I learn....if it works.
  14. I have my house all done - except 3 things: 1. The roof On the gable roof going north and south, the inside wall at one end is missing the attic wall. The inside roof plane is a copy/reflect of the other roof plane. And it works, until I tie in the perpendicular roof plane. I can see the problem in 3d, but can't correct it because I can't get the perspective correct. And when I am in the layout view I have no idea what needs to be corrected. This also is affecting the gable at the porch side where the roof line is above the wall it attaches to. 2. Height of the deck Our entry door is currently at the top of a small entry deck 24" above the slab (1/2" above current deck). And the height of this wall is 88" to the soffit. I have not been able to get my door sitting on top of the deck and at the correct distance from the soffit (8") 3. Gable room over just the front door After I get the door where I need it I want to put a gable cover over just the door. Looking at the videos, it sounds like I build the gable room line and the gable cover magically appears. When I do that, no lines over the roof show up. If I try to build it, even with retaining manual roof lines, it puts in a hip roof that I can't figure out how to get rid of. I've watched every video over and over, follow the directions, and still not getting what I need. I am open to suggestions (and, please, not just watch another video). There must be some numbers I am not putting in correctly, or some line that is throwing me off. I'm willing to pay for someone to fix these for me at this point. Or tell me where to look for what is causing these issues. When I have worked on one thing, I find underneath it all, I caused an issue some place else. After nearly a week working on these 3 things, I'm still lost and confused. And if you notice something else I haven't gotten to yet ,that is wrong or going to cause me issues, please advise. This does not need to be too detailed. No permits required where I live. My contractor has a simple sketch he is working from and all I need is to decide where to put windows and doors on the deck so we are trying out a few variations. But I'd like it to be reasonably accurate for viewing. I'm happy to share the complete file if that helps, just too big to post here.
  15. IdahoJaci

    Too Much Stuff

    Thank you. I spent an entire day clicking each thing off and one to see what it did. That solved 99% of my problem.