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Everything posted by SavvyConstructor

  1. Hi Eric, Thanks for the video. That was very insightful. I've created a video to show you some of the issues I've run into after following the process you laid out. Here's a link to the video. I'll attach the current state of my plan below. Nussbaum Screened Porch.plan Nussbaum Screened Porch.plan
  2. Okay that seemed to work to fix the overhang but when the roofs got rebuilt, the walls on the porch lowered and got all messed up. How do I fix this part?
  3. From the looks of it, the baselines are placed at the outer edge of the bearing wall.
  4. I'm using Home Designer Pro 2024. I had to manually edit the framing on the existing structure (house) because after I manually edited the roof plane to get the gable wall truss to generate against the house, the framing was not the way I wanted it. So I was prompted to turn off auto roof builds. I'm trying to figure out why the overhang is not correct when I adjust it to 8"eaves and 9" gable. If you go into the plan and adjust the overhang to any number, then rebuild the roof, it will set the overhang to flush.
  5. Yes I'm using home designer pro. I'll attach the plan below. Nussbaum Screened Porch.plan
  6. I have set my roof overhang to 8" Eaves and 9" Gable. Why is it when I rebuild the roof, the eave overhang is flush to the wall? When I open the roof plane, it is telling me that the overhang from baseline is 3/16" but I'm not able to edit that number. Screenshots attached
  7. Okay I was able to figure it out. Thank you for the tip. I adjusted the roof plane and it worked.
  8. I was able to adjust the framing to be flush with the top plate but I don't know how to adjust the rest of the roof components either.
  9. Yes, I'd like to cut back the existing overhang and extend the wall flush with the house all the way to the peak.
  10. I'm putting together a screened porch to attach to an existing structure. The house in the plan is the existing structure and the porch extends from that with a gable roof. The problem I'm having is when I overframe the roof on top of the existing roof, I can't get the wall to extend straight up to the top of the new roof. I want the existing house wall to extend up like an end truss but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this. I'll attach the plan below. I'm using Home Designer Pro.Nussbaum Screened Porch.plan