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Posts posted by Jaejaye

  1. Hi Y-G-M-N,


    I have a few Macbook pros!


    I think you mis-understood my question - I'm well aware of how it works I was merely asking that I have a Pro Version on CD (used on my Macbook pro 2013 ) - you load the software off the CD instead of downloading it - you still need to log onto the internet and it does ask for the licence key. I upgraded this HD version.


    I was merely asking if I upgraded to the 2024 via the USB whether it would override my current version or whether I could have both on separate Macbook Pros of which I have a new Macbook Pro.


    CA have given the answer now - so I can run the current one I have on my older laptop and run the latest HD version on my newer Macbook Pro. If I want to interchange then I'd need to deactivate in order to use on the other Mac.


    Thanks to everyone for your answers - much appreciated :) 








  2. @David J Potter - as a seasoned CA and HD Professor, you've helped to solve many of my issues over the years.  May I ask, if I upgrade from a CD version of HD Pro to the latest 2024 USB version - will the CD and my License Key no longer be valid or am I able to uninstall or use my CD and Licence key separately on another Mac Pro? Thank you :)