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  1. OMG! I tried one more time by going into Preferences on the Dashboard BEFORE I opened anything else and I FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for being persistent!!!
  2. Thanks for trying to help. Unfortunately, for some reason, THIS is what my choices in Preferences are: Anyway - have a great weekend!
  3. I have been in and out of the Preferences more times then I can tell you - just went back after reading your comment, but I can't seem to find that option. Would you mind taking a pic of exactly where you are finding it and post? THANKS SO MUCH!!!!
  4. Does anyone know if there is a way to reset my Login page so that it opens to my Dashboard instead of this generic "choices list" I get instead?? It USED TO just open to my Dashboard and I must have "reset" something inadvertently. I am able to click out of that and then go to my Dashboard, but would love to circumvent the previous step if I can! TIA!