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Everything posted by TimFromSSH

  1. I had this working at one time but through a series of floorplan changes, I'm no longer able to get a simple roof to build right. I always seem to end up with offset beams and in this case different height of beam for some reason. Entire house is 96" ceiling height except front section is open to below. There is covered porch on front of garage. Garage is 102" ceiling height. It seems HDS is starting the T Gable to the garage wall and not the covered porch so the beam is offset and also lower as a result... but then the garage design roof takes over and does it correctly. I've tried splitting the house wall into segments or doing one long segment. I've tried to play with ceiling heights and overhangs, but I can't find the magic to make the roof correct. Any help appreciated. (I can't attach the design file as even if I delete everything non-relevant it is still 19MB). Tim