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Everything posted by JGreiner

  1. I've been having the same problem and I believe I figured it out. All the tutorials talk about setting up the drawing sheet but I was always in plan view. Go ahead and set up your drawing sheet in plan view (File> Print > drawing sheet setup). Now, starting a new step, you return to "file" and towards the top of the commands click "new layout". This should open a blank new layout page without sending over what you have in plan view ( file > New Layout). Now, in the Layout view repeat step one of setting up a drawing sheet, i.e. ( file > print > Drawing Sheet Setup). One tip, in the layout view page setup you want your drawing scale to remain the default 1" to 1", it is in the plan view drawing sheet set up that you want to setup your desired scale, example; 3/32" to 1'. This is what finally worked for me after hours of playing with it.