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Everything posted by acerman

  1. Thanks Conner. After searching, I found the adjust material tool and was able to determine RBG on my particular drywall color to be 186179161 which I was able to match up with Sherwin Williams paint code. Appreciate your help.
  2. I happen to like the default color that Home designer uses for drywall. I want to use and need the color in Sherwin Williams paint. I can't locate any color definition for stock "drywall" on the site. See attached. The upper wall and ceiling color is what I am seeking spec on. The lower walls are SW Alibaster Any ideas? I don't really want to go thru color palette trying to find a match. **** McCord Home Designer Pro 2024
  3. Trying to consider alternate siding colors on exterior. For some unknown reason, the select material option will not allow color palette to be displayed inorder to change a color!! This has always worked in the past. What could be preventing color changes? HD Pro 2024
  4. I took your advise and experimented line by line. Turns out the grey area was a "sash". Not all picture (fixed) windows have a sash. The specs for the brand vinyl windows I am using list a glass size and a frame size. If I remove the "sash" in HD Pro, then the window size will match my spec sheet. Thanks again for your timely response and help.
  5. Tried to do the frame change - had no effect. These are vinyl windows...
  6. Thanks for clarifying the code. I guess I had a mental block staring right at the screen....LOL. I still don't have an explanation for the grey border on the window display.
  7. Another question. The lower window is a picture unit 54"x58". The display label is 46410FX? I don't understand the labeling code...
  8. For another window in my design, I specified double hung 36"x 48" size. The plan view displays 3040DH. Why?
  9. Attached is screen shot of window wall design I am working with. The top windows are 54"x30" picture units or 5430FX. But Homedesigner Pro is displaying a "border frame" (grey colored area) that reduces the actual glass width size to 50-13/16" vs the spec of 54" and the glass height from 30" to 26-5/8" What is the grey area? AND why does the plan view show the window label to be 4626FX for window spec of 54" wide by 30" tall?
  10. ERic, Thanks for the suggestions. I finally figured out that backsplash would work by moving the end points and most importantly by making a copy so it could be translated. Not real obvious... -****
  11. How can i create arched beams or truss members like this in Homedesigner pro?? thanks
  12. Trying to create arched exposed beams in gable roof. Online search points to using polyline solids - but I am unable to locate polyline edit tools - specifically hole or boolean operations. what am i missing in my tool search? Is this only a Chief Architect feature?