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  1. Good point. I am using Suite 2015. And yes, I found out that it is important to study from the correct manual and watch the correct videos for the particular title. I finally made my plat in WORD .docx in about an hour. For now that is all I needed and it had to be submitted this morning. Someday I will find the days it will take to learn how to be productive with this software. But for now, I will go back to my old Punch software that I have used on my last house builds. Thanks all for the help on this forum.
  2. Thanks Mick and David. I have been at it for 11 hours and have nothing to show for it. Just not very intuitive. Adobe Photoshop is a walk in the park compared to this software, or I am just really dumb at it. I did finally get the perimeter created. Then I tried to add a small retaining wall. Then tried to get a view of it and got lost. Having trouble seeing measurements as the are VERY small. there are no scroll bars on side or bottom to adjust the view. If I zoom in to see a measurement detail the project goes partially off screen and can't scroll to the location with the measurement. I could have drawn out this platt to scale in less than an hour, as is I have not even gathered hardly any knowledge. I have skipped a couple meals so that is good for the waste line. I am using Mac just so you know. Let go look at 3D full view. I have to have the platt done by noon tomorrow so I guess I will go back to pencil and paper.
  3. New to Chief Architect and am way behind on the learning curve

  4. At this point, all I need to create is a simple platt of a proposed backyard DIY project.
  5. Thank you so much for the quick reply. I am using Home Designer 2015. I guess I have no idea if I have created anything yet.
  6. I know I will come off as very inept. But at this point I don't care. I have spent hours trying to start a simple landscape project and am stumped right off the bat. First thing to do is set terrain perimeters but when I go to "Terrain" and the go to "Create Terrain Perimeter" it is grayed out. I have spent hours reading and watching tutorials and have found nothing to tell me what simple step I have missed. So please, if you can help me get through this I would greatly appreciate it.