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Posts posted by Otrengin

  1. Many thanks! That solved it. Ironically, I had come across that setting after I'd more or else given up. I had just set one layer to 24" spacing and the other to 16" spacing just to get some sense of the desired stagger. When I saw that setting hiding away on the Structure tab (instead of inside the Wall Types design panel itself where it arguably ought to be), I didn't see the expected result. 

    Following your advice, I reset both layers to 16" spacing, checked the "Stagger Multiple Framing Layers", and got the desired result.


    I appreciate the very rapid response and good solution. Nicely done.

  2. I have the same question. I'm looking at wall designs that have two layers of 2x4 (3.5"x1.5") fir studs with mineral wool insulation batts between the studs. I want the studs to be 16" on center, but each layer offset by half. The distance between alternating studs would be 8" apart. I've uploaded a sketch illustrating my concept. I can make HD Pro use all the layers I want. I can get the studs 16" or 8" or 24" apart, but I can't stagger the two layers of studs. If I set them each to 16" spacing, they will appear to be aligned as if they were 1.5"x7" continuous. Like the original poster, I'm trying to avoid any thermal bridging.


    Thank you for any suggestions you may have.
