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Posts posted by jomiller

  1. To anyone who may come across this feed. The answer is as follows from David Potter:


    With NOTHING selected, just depress the "Delete" key and each press will remove current points, under the "CAD" menu there is a tool icon called "Delete Points" as well which will delete them all in one click.



  2. Thanks Eric

    I have correct the signature issue. Not sure what you were suggesting: Automatically Place Roof Intersection Points or Temporary Points

    I have tried the HELP but will attempt it again with your suggested keywords. 

    Sorry to bother.




  3. Hi, I'm new to the program, using Home Designer Pro 2023. As I am modifying and adding roof planes, there are Xs appearing at what seems to be random points. The Xs are not clickable and do not change size with zooming in and out. I have tried refreshing the view, closing and reopening the program and they are still there. Also, they are visible on a print. I have attached a screen shot.  


    Any assistance will be greatly appreciated!





    Home Designer Pro 2023
