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Everything posted by Trick63

  1. Thanks for the reply. The attached (elevation) image was just to show how and why the stringboard is curved. I don't need the construction drawings. I just need a program that automates the whole stairdrawing. Drawing the stringboard manually is what I have been doing all this time in FormZ until now and I guess this is just as easy in Chief or HD. But this is not what I am looking for. (PS: sorry if I use wrong terms...I am Dutch;)). Below a render from Stairdesigner where it takes a few seconds to make a stair.
  2. Hi all, Thanks for the pointers. I have downloaded trials for Home Designer Pro and Chief Architect. So I guess that these are the programs with the most features. I know how to make the steps for winder stairs, but the problem is the stringboards. WIth a lot of winder stairs these boards are curved and that is what costs me a lot of time. I have been doing these kind of stairs by hand in FormZ since a lot (about 30!) years. But in the last few months I have been drawing way too many of them, and a lot of them with different sizes. So I would love to have a tool that automates the 3D drawing of complete stairs. In both Chief Architect and Home Designer I can see that the stairs have a stringers option, but not with the landings. Attached an image how the stringboards look like in plan view when done right. BTW: above image is from Boole's Stairdesigner. It's the best tool for drawing stairs. But I am not going to spend $2,5K JUST for that.
  3. I am looking into using HD to make my life easier. Is it possible to make these kind of stairs? I am trying to make the winders by making landings between the stair parts, but I don't see an option for the stingers at the landing stairs (especially the outer one) to connect.