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Everything posted by MrsSev

  1. Im trying..... seriously, I used sweethome3d for 2 years. I've never used anything else. so jumping from that to pro 2023 is nuts. I didn't even get too deep into it, though I don't think it goes anywhere NEAR as far as this program, but now I've only had it for 3 or 4 days. I also am not super computer literate anymore, as 19 yrs as a stay at home mom I havent needed to be. I hope to start classes to get myself toward a career with this, I now know come computer literacy will be important to take up front. I knew how to save SweetHome files to my desktop, but am not sure how to on here, and so far I didn't see how to take it from my plan to here other than drag and drop, which it kept saying there was an error for. The videos posted are helping, and I had sort of started to figure some things out just messing with it. I will continue to look at it, and see if I can sort it out with these videos and trial and error. Thanks
  2. Ah! I couldn't find it at first and had to leave! So, again, it shows no terrain, but I think you'll be able to get some spacial perspective between this and my original post. I hope this helps. I tried to "draw" where the main slope is, and note key points to help.
  3. I am trying to create the terrain of our lot. I am not using anything but guestimates to get a feel for the feature, but I seem to be doing some thing wrong or missing something entired. And we have an odd terrain. I have our DWG file imported, but we dont have terrain calcualtions for the survey. *All decriptions are stated as if looing at our house from the street.* In essense, our lot gently slopes down from the left side. But when the lot was joined with the neighboring lot on the left so the previous owner could expand the house, they did some strange things. The slope in that area was perhaps more pronounced at the time to begin with, but now about 15' away from the house there is a roughly 3' rise over probably a 4 to 5 ft run (most sharply in the first 2 feet or so), and then very gradually continues from there going away from the house to the edge of the lot. It is as if they carved out into that side, and then tried to give it a soft "edge" so as not to need a retaining wall. The 3' rise curves around toward the front and gradually decreases to the ground leven of the original build. It also curves around to the rear yard, increasing somewhat where they leveled an area for a putting green, then drops down somewhat sharply again as you make your way across the back of the structure, and down the back side of the putting green toward our rear property line. And finally, where the "side" and "rear" yards meet, there is a koi pond, and more slope up going widthwise toward the back corner of the lot where their tee was for the putting green. It essentially makes a "C" around the laft half of the house, gradually tapering off in the front, sharply ending in the back, and the mirrored reverse "C" is largely level. I, being very green with this software, have played with terrain features in an effort to create this area on our survey so we can supbit it to our HOA for some landscaping design changes. But I get sharp inclines with splined, when I tried a retaining wall it faced the wrong way, valleys, hills and raised areas are too acute or entirely wrong for other reasons. How to I make our lot terrain disply any of this mishmash of slopes? that back corner tee starts just 2 feet or so from the side and rear prop lines, but is probably a good 2 to 2.5' higher than the ground at the side since they build it up like we assume they did the putting green. I am at a loss.
  4. David, !!! Thank you SO SO much! I've watched just enough to sole this issue, I will watch the rest to see what else you might teach me. I will have to subscribe and see what else you have. FYI, we baught a house in 2020 because we were bored DIYers in a house too new to rip stuff out of in good consience. I took the "for general references" floorplan on the listing and tooled around with it on multiple iterations of our daughter's crayola tracing paper until I solved the only thing preventing my husband from being willing to buy. Then I spent the last 2 years trying to reconfigure a dreadful floorplan into a functional, thoughtful, and special place. I was going nuts being limited by Sweethome3D's snapping, its 6 total angle options (there are several angles inside and outside of this house) and 1/8" limitations when I needed 1/16". My husband, the great guy he is, reseaarched this, and felt I had "graduated from the other program" "earned" a paid for software, and is a firm believer in buying full on what you'll eventually need, as he and so many others encourage me to go to school or this and make a career of it after 19 years as a stay at home mom. I LOVE playing with floorplans. I am excited about this program, and so thrilled to have a support base, that in such little time has already proven so thoughtful and helpful. You seem to have just created that video for my topic. How kind! Emily
  5. I've watched several of the videos, not yet looked at youtube. Still tooling around and learnig the fundamentals while also trying to start something. Probably not the best approach, but what time kninda allows right now. We are so far off our timeline from, we are now trying to layout the project quickly. Ill keep looking through it all. Thanks!
  6. Hey all! I am brand new here. I am not a professional, and have little knowlege and experience for the time being. My question is this... Did we just pay $600 to have the same problem as our old free software I outgrew, and still cant place walls (interior or exterior) at any angle? We are remodeling our existing home, as well as planning landscaping to incluse hard scape. I imported our survey DWG file, and wanted to trace the lines with exterior walls to begin creating the home as it is, not as I guess it. I started at the side with some odd angles since we need to crank out the flatscaping for outside those walls asap, and whouldn't ya know?! The end point options bounce to either side of where they actually are. I don't yet know how to use 98% of this program. I planned to grow into it with time witht he hope that I can sort out this job to submit to our ARB. I kinda need those walls, especially when I add the door we plan to put in. Does the "fix wall connections" tool solve this? If so, how is it used, as I have not yet stubled upon that info or lucked it into working. (I tend to learn by doing). Thanks in advance! Hope to pay it forward and be of some help to a future newbie when I've gotten some experience under my belt!