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  1. The version of home designer pro is 2022. In the training video (V 2021), they use a copy function for the cabinets that auto fill in all the cabinets at once within the kitchen.
  2. In the training video, the there is a room divider between the Livingroom/Kitchen and the Dining room/ kitchen. Can anyone tell me how that was done. I have tried the room divider and invisible wall but I can not get the same image in the training video. Also, how did you use the copy function for the cabinets to expand it in the cabinets? Also, this video is the old version. Can we have an updated training video for the version?
  3. In the training video, the there is a room divider between the Livingroom/Kitchen and the Dining room/ kitchen. Can anyone tell me how that was done. I have tried the room divider and invisible wall but I can not get the same image in the training video.
  4. did you ever got the full camera to work. I have the 2022 version.