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About AlanS7

  • Birthday 05/16/1953

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    photography & gardening

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  1. AlanS7

    adjusting deck posts

    Solved. that worked, kind of cumbersome though. I placed the post with footing, then deleted the post it came with and kept the original post. the post it came with would't line up quite I need to do another post to straighten out my landscape. btw, I'm in the process of building the house so I'm making these design updates when they arise. The posts look better lined up with the porch posts. Thanks for your help.
  2. AlanS7

    adjusting deck posts

    the footings aren't available in the plan view. not sure how to find it. where would I find the "post with footing" item?
  3. AlanS7

    adjusting deck posts

    I can move the posts no problem. the footings however only move diagonally or up and down. I need them to move left and right.
  4. In my design I wanted the deck roof to leave some sunshine on the ends. So when I build the deck the support posts don't line up with the roof posts to ceiling. In the orthographic view I can move the deck posts to line up with the post to ceiling manually. The concrete post footings won't move. In the full cameras view I can move the concert pads diagonally but not sideways to line them up. If I rebuild the floor it puts them out of line which does not look as good. I did split the railing at the end of the roof in to sections. On a minor note I can't seem to get the landscape to be smooth under. the deck. I've attached the plan. I am drawing in Home Designer Pro 2022, build 21 main alt
  5. Thanks for the direction. That cleaned things up nicely. Soo, what reference manual? Where do you find one?
  6. I am closing in on my design and have 2 glitches. I had to manually build the roofs to make the design work, but there is a small mismatch. If I turn on auto build roofs it changes the roof design. Another issue is the extra posts. If I go with no posts on the ends of the porch (railings) then the corner posts don't show. I've tried adjusting the post distances. If I use post to beam then it works, but I don't really want the beams. Home Designer Pro 2022 main alt
  7. I did insert a wall break I just didn't save it in the plan. A patio is not required to make a gable roof on the roof plan. I would work apparently because auto roof return was not checked, as you pointed out. It took me a while to find it. so now I have it close to what I want. the only way I can get the 3 posts under the vaulted roof (patio door) is to use the post to beam. this then puts a wall over the beam. I would rather have center post and cross beams. In the front with the kitchen door I want a shed roof. for some reason it doesn't fill in a flat ceiling and add the end wall above. here also if I change the railing style to post to ceiling it removes the end post on one end. I don't want a post at the wall. main alt
  8. I can't get my plan to build a roof over the patio area. I can start a new plan and it will work. It just doesn't do anything. Why can't my developed plan accept a vaulted gable roof where I want it. I first split the wall where the sliding door is and then selected it. open it and choose gable roof. I have attached my plan. HD Pro 2022 main alt
  9. AlanS7

    chimney build

    OK, this looks pretty good. When I have time I'll make a video tutorial for this since none can be found. Thanks for your help
  10. AlanS7

    chimney build

    I can scoot it around until it floats over the chimney. Is the best it will do?I think they should make a chimney tool.
  11. AlanS7

    chimney build

    Yes i am doing that, but it lands on the deck or in the yard. how exactly do you "apply" to the chimney cap area. I've tried dragging it to the plan view and also the 3d view,
  12. AlanS7

    chimney build

    Ok the slab works pretty well. How do I get a chimney cap attached.It doesn't want to go on top. I put a fireplace from the library and it kind of works.
  13. AlanS7

    chimney build

    I used a bump out wall. sometimes it puts a roof over it at the 8 foot level. I'm not sure why this one goes to the roof. I want it to go thru the roof. the fireplace doesn't insert all the way.
  14. AlanS7

    chimney build

    How can i build a chimney in home designer pro 2022? I would like it to have stone on both sides of the wall. Can someone direct me to a youtube tutorial. The only tut I can find is for premiere, and Pro doesn't have those features in the menu. This is as far as I have gotten.
  15. not sure what a manual roof build is but, I found a video at 35:43 that showed me what I needed. What I did sounds like a manual build. CANCELCOMMENT