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Posts posted by Castlehill

  1. David - thanks so much for your post and the youtube clip, super helpful. I suspected that Suite (and more my current skill level!) was causing the issue here. I didn't think I would find a limitation that would affect me in Suite so soon but there you go.


    Mick - my opening post was done in Pro (trial) and I couldn't get the roof line to work so created two separate modules just to get the overall look sorted. I then purchased Suite and focussed on sorting roof line first hence the change. I don't think my post was as clear as it could have been but I needed the two roof lines well separated. Your plans had the smaller module working inside the larger eaves which is cool but not what I needed as an end result. I exaggerated this in the later posts to force the smaller module roof centre outside the eaves of the larger module - sorry if I wasted your time, I'll be sure to post a plan in the opening next time.


    Thanks again.


  2. Thanks for the replies. Yes it works fine until I try to get the second floor on to one module. 


    I can get this to work by including an external wall between the modules. The "kitchen" module is a single floor and I make each end wall full gable. In the "living module" I leave the walls default and build a manual second floor and to that each end wall is full gable. Then I build the roof and all is OK. 


    However, this only works if the smaller modules (kitchen) roof lines are all within the larger - as soon as I push the kitchen module out to make it wider, I get an odd additional roof between the two. 


    Hopefully the pictures make more sense of this.




  3. Hi, this is my first design - seemed easy in my head but getting HD Suite to achieve the same has me baffled. 


    I've got a pretty simple two module structure. The first is 1.5 floors and the other is just a standard single floor. The modules are offset but (hopefully) connected and I want Gable ends. The first picture highlights what I am attempting to do. However to create this I cheated by having two entirely separate modules to get the roof right - see second image showing this break. When I connect the modules in the centre it throws the roof out and I send up with an odd hip configuration on the smaller module or equally random messing with settings I get a really high pitch between the two modules. I'm guessing it is to do with how I treat the central wall that the modules share, but I can't find any help on this, hence turning to the forum. 


    Help greatly appreciated!


    Thanks in advance,



    (note I did this in HD Architectural Trial version but have since bought HD Suite and have the same issue)

