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Posts posted by SeattleEric

  1. Wow, thanks Jo-Ann. That's fantastic. I'll give it a shot as soon as I kick this fever I've been running the last couple of days.


    RE HD Arch vs HD Pro, is this kind of thing a lot easier/more intuitive with Pro? It's impressive what you were able to do, but you obviously have a ton of experience with the tool.



  2. Thanks David and Mick. You're right that it's not a traditional steeple - it's the tower-looking thing on the right in the photo. I had checked out the KB articles you mentioned as well, which got me the flat roof above the steeple, but then I got stuck on the remaining items.


    David's comment about HD Architectural running only on settings was sort of an aha moment for me - the product comparison matrix with Pro now makes a lot more sense. We're doing some remodeling and I wanted a quick way to visualize dormers and such, and I don't know if I can spend an additional $300 for Pro at this point.



  3. HD Architectural newbie here. I'm modeling an old church that has a full gable for the main structure and a steeple with a flat roof. Using the Knowledge Base article on building a 1.5-story roof I got the gable in about the right spot, and I got a flat steeple roof by setting the pitch on it's walls to 1/4" , but I have two problems (see attached screen shots, and a photo of the real thing):


    1. The gabled roof wants to join up with the steeple roof

    2. I want eaves on the gable but not on the steeple


    Been playing around for hours on this detail - can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks...




