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Posts posted by frank1

  1. Hope someone can help. Just got a new computer. From the plan I was working with, I clicked file, and from the drop down menu I backed up the plan in a zip file to a flash drive.

    I went to the new computer, uploaded the zip file to my documents folder, downloaded home designer 2019, and opened the plan. It seems that everything transferred, but as I scroll through the interior, black shading follows me across the room, and some of the textured walls and furniture is now psychedelic colored.

    A nice woman in sales said my version is out of date, so tech support would charge $150 to help. She said an upgrade would cost $140. More importantly, she hinted that home design 2019 might not be compatible with the graphics card in my computer. (12th Gen. Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700 with 16 GB RAM)

    Home Designter 2019.jpg