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  1. Please ignore. I didn't realize that the display options are different if you are viewing a plan vs a 3d view. That fixed it. Thank you for your help.
  2. Yes, all my Terrain layers are on. I can see the terrain contours in the Plan view.
  3. I have turned on my signature, so thank you for pointing that out. I'm not seeing a where I would go to check for the Terrain Display options. Can you please elaborate? I have deleted the thread I had on the Chief site.
  4. I'm using Home Designer Pro 2023. I just created a terrain in my plan and it looks fine in plan view but when I try to display it in 3D view it does not show up. I tried copying the house to a new plan that had a terrain on it and it worked fine but I lost all my ceiling heights and material selections. So that will not be an option. Any ideas on why the terrain will not show up?