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  1. Eric, Thanks for the feedback. We actually previously engaged with an architectural firm, learned a lot, put the project on hold when life got in the way. A few years later, we realized we made a number of mistake in requirements and missed a lot of concepts even when discussing with the architects. The result is we are not going to keep anything except one observation they made. In our original concepts, we just assumed the house would face downhill, the best view is actually about fifteen degrees off from the straight down the hill, so the house will actually sit at an angle to the hill. After all that, we have a very good idea of what we want; and already have a bullet list of requirements. Depending on who we end up working with, if desired, we might give them the layout along with our analysis and why we made specific choices. Tim
  2. Hello, I currently have Home Designer Suite 2025. I purchased it, more to work out concepts/plans then actually produce construction documents. We are now at the point where we need professional help. I am therefore trying to determine if I make Chief Architect a requirement for working with an Architect or just a nice to have? e.g. If a requirement, it will make it easy to send files back and forth and for us to view and comment. However, I have found these limitations with Home Designer Suite; and I am wondering how well the professional architect version handle them? Flat roof with a deck over a garage. ICF Metal Joists Metal Studs Extending a roof 15-20 feet over a deck Thanks, Tim
  3. I knew it was simple. I just could not find it! Thanks, Tim
  4. Hello, I somehow managed to hide or delete the living area calculated field which appears on the bottom of the plan for one specific floor. I have no value displayed. How do I restore it? Tim
  5. The top of the stairs fail to connect to the 1st floor. If you right click on the stairs and select auto connection you get an error message. I eventually figured the issue out. Yes, I had the terrain defined incorrectly. I used a terrain region and set it as the floor for the lower patio. After watching a few videos on pools, I eventually figured out I need to instead use the terrain feature, and set the height to the -96; e.g. the floor of the basement patio. Now just to figure out why it is complaining about my knee wall and why my retaining walls do not extend downward.
  6. The stairs do not "connect" to the from the walkout basement patio to the first floor patio. Tim
  7. Hello, Using Home Designer Suite 2021. I am not sure I did the terrain correctly, and as a result I am having problems connecting stairs from a patio on the first floor to a patio on a walkout basement. Key points: The home site is a flat area on the crest of a steep hill The house will be set back about six feet from the edge of the hill Retaining walls will extend from the house to cut out the hill, allowing for a basement walkout onto a lower level patio. Any pointers would be appreciated. single story with basement v0.plan
  8. Eric, I found it, but it was not obvious. It was caused by bad roof settings on the patio using a "Dutch Gable". I think I will put this in as a feature request to be able to go to the object that "created": the auto generated feature.. Tim
  9. Eric, I delete the wall, it effectively makes it invisible. I delete the invisible wall and it redraws the wall. There is no wall underneath it. Tim
  10. Home Designer Suite 2021 I have a wall which is offset about 5 ft from my exterior wall which is auto generated in the attic. I cannot find what element is causing this wall to be magically generated in the air for the attic. (I do have a patio with a roof over it, but the patio is much larger than 5ft.) How do I track the cause down of the auto generated wall section? Thanks,